
Japanese Calligraphy “Shodo” Workshop for Beginners
Spring 2019


Saturday March 2nd | 11am – 1pm
Saturday April 13th | 11am – 1pm
Saturday May 4th | 11am – 1pm

After the days of rejuvenating rain, we finally starting to see the sun coming through the window, and plum trees are beautifully blooming in our neighborhood here in Berkeley. Long-awaited Spring is slowly approaching! The Spring schedule of Japanese calligraphy workshops are now up and waiting for you to join. My motto for workshop is the feeling of 愉し” (tanoshi) – joy – for the learning, process and your progress (and even the struggles!), especially when you are starting something new. Let this Spring the new beginning!


Finding Balance with Japanese Calligraphy
In this 2 hours hands-on workshop, get an intimate exploration of fundamental Japanese calligraphy writing techniques, and find balance within yourself through meditative calligraphy process. The workshop begins with a brief lecture on the history of Japanese calligraphy and Japanese writing system, followed by the basics: proper use of the brush and other tools, posture and manners, unique characteristics of Japanese gasen-shi paper and sumi inks. Participants will be introduced to the fundamental calligraphy writing techniques, focusing on the formal Regular Script “Kaisho” or semi-cursive script “Gyosho” on selected Japanese kanji characters, which will be provided for you to choose one from, depending on their skill level and preference. Participants will be practicing and making their own calligraphy artwork on hanshi*-sized calligraphy paper, while contemplating on the meaning of chosen character. The workshop is designed to accommodate adult beginners. No prior art experience or knowledge of Japanese language is necessary.

* Each session is designed to complete one selected character of your choice. You’re welcome to join just one session to get started, or multiple sessions to practice more!