
MeAndYou Cards

今年も新たにグリーティングカードを作りました。テーマは”ME + YOU”。カードの裏面から続く二本の線は、それぞれふたりの人を表していて、どのように交わるかによってふたりの運命を表現しています。
真ん中で一度交わりまた離れてゆく“Thinking of You”, だんだんと近くなり、最後までずっと一緒 “Now and Forever”, 心地よい距離を保ちながら平行線に歩いてゆく“Best Companions”, 全く違うところからやってきて突然一度交わる “It’s a Small World”の4種類、全て手書きのオリジナル、サイン入りです。一年の締めくくり、または新年のご挨拶に、お友達や家族、大切な人にメッセージを送ってみてはいかがですか?


It’s already December, the last month of 2012. I feel like I was just in Japan this January and started the year – time flies! Although it’s sunny, the air is really cold in San Francisco lately… how’s everyone?

I made a new series of greeting cards this year, with the theme of “ME+YOU.” The two lines, continued from the back to the front of the card, represent two strangers and show how their fate intertwine in their lifetime. There are four kinds: the lines merge once, and part again – meaning “Thinking of You.” The lines come close to each other, and stays until the end – “Now and Forever.” The parallel lines continues from the beginning to the end with a comfortable distance to each other – “Best Companions.” Two paths cross once, coming from totally different places – meaning “It’s a Small World.

Each artworks are original, hand-drawn and signed by me. Every card is unique and different. Why not send a nice and warm messages to your friends, family and loved ones? All available on the online store!