
10月10日、サクラメントのシェラトングランドホテルで開催されたSake Festにお招きを受け、ライブ書道パフォーマンスをして参りました。日本全土、アメリカ各都市から酒造や食品メーカーが集い、日本の伝統芸術を嗜みながら交流を広めるというこのイベントは今年で8年目。私はパフォーマーとして今回初参加させていただきました。まばゆいほどのお酒たちに囲まれ、「飛龍乗雲」と豪筆。

「飛龍乗雲」: 英雄が時に乗じて、勢いを得ることの意味。

サクラメント太鼓団の団長/創設者Tiffany Tamaribuchiさんとのコラボレーションということで、彼女の、男性顔負けの力強くも情緒のある太鼓の音に包まれて心地よく書かせていただきました。Tiffanyとは今回のイベントで初共演。一度の打ち合わせのみで当日即興演奏というものでした。さすが長年の一流の太鼓演奏歴を持ち、世界をツアーしてきた彼女との共演はとてもスムーズで、勢いのある文字に仕上がったと思います。来月、11月17日にYerba Buena Center for the Arts (ybca) で開催されるInternational Taiko Festivalでもまた共演することが決まったので、迫力のある太鼓との共演をぜひ見に来て頂けたら嬉しいです。

詳細はこちら:YBCA Website

I was invited to perform live calligraphy at Sake Fest at Sheraton Grand Hotel in Sacramento on October 10th. It was the 8th annual festival, inviting more than 60 sake and food vendors from all over Japan and the branch factories in the United States. Surrounded by gorgeous sake and amazing food, and accompanied by Tiffany Tamaribuchi, an internationally acclaimed Taiko master and the founder of Sacramento Taiko Dan, I wrote “Hi-ryu Jo-unn,” meaning “flying dragon rides on the clouds,” wishing that the every business that participated in this event will flourish and rise up high as the dragon flies high up in the sky as it catches the clouds.

It was my first time collaborating with Tiffany – she is an internationally recognized female taiko master, striving in the realm of male-dominant traditional taiko.  We had one meeting / discussion beforehand, and we presented an improvisational performance. Her strong and energetic Taiko performance was so impressive – very dramatic, as if the music run though her entire body. I was honored to collaborate with her on a performance at this festival.

We are going to perform together again at The International Taiko Festival, organized and hosted by Grand Master Seiichi Tanaka & the San Francisco Taiko Dojo at YBCA on Friday November 16th. Tickets are available from YBCA’s website: TICKETS & INFO

Hope to see you there!

Koedo Beer! Very smooth

Very nice calligraphy for the label. Inspiring 🙂

Tengumai’s very modern package design.

Tiffany on the right – very powerful performance!

Sacramento Taiko Dan

It takes so much muscle strength to keep this posture

Tiffany on the drums.

Meditate… then the first stroke







Special thanks to: Takumi Kinugawa san, 八海山の酒造からのみなさん、Tiffany Tamaribuchi, and my dearest photographer Akko Terasawa

Photo by Akko Terasawa.




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