

As a founder of Surreality In Reality aka S.I.R. collective, as a Japanese calligrapher, as an artist, and as a girl born and raised in Japan, I would like to thank you all the amazing artists, galleries, vendors, local businesses and friends for your generous support to make “RISE JAPAN: Japan Earthquake and Tsunami Relief Fundraiser” come into a shape.

One email. Everything starts from one email.

S.I.R. teamed up with Gallery Heist (Julianne Yates, the owner) and Kokoro Studio (Keiko Kuramoto, the owner), and we are putting our effort to raise fund through the creative energy and the power of art to help our home country, Japan. We are working on a series of fundraising art exhibitions & performances in San Francisco, and 100% of the proceeds will be donated to Give2Asia: Artists Help Japan – Earthquake&Tsunami 2011

Our eyes hurt because we can’t take our eyes off of the news stream, and are blurred from the endless tears. Our minds are filled with fear, confusion, anxiety and sympathy. We encourage communities to be united with love, and attempt to transform our sleepless nights into tangible support for people in Japan.  Please, please join us to help Japan, if we do this together, we can make a big change.

I launched the website for RISE JAPAN last night, we will be adding updates everyday. Visit www.risejapan.us for more details, and contact us at info@risejapan.us for any suggestions, questions regarding donation and support.

– Love, Aoi Yamaguchi

Japanese Calligrapher, Founder of Surreality in Reality.


I have been watching CNN Live streaming to catch up with the aftermath of the earthquake, tsunami, and nuclear power plants’ meltdown in Japan.  Not only to pray for the situation to get better, I am here alive, I do what I can do to contribute. 自分に出来ないこともたくさんある。けれど、自分にしか出来ない事がある。自分に出来る事を、一つ一つ、精一杯。


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